Saturday 28 January 2017

Not crafty but a handy conversion chart that I found and thought to share with you.

Here are some basic conversions, rounded off
1 teaspoon = 5ml = 0.2 oz
1 tablespoon = 20ml = 0.7 oz
1 cup = 250ml = 8.4 oz

1/2 cup = 125ml = 4.2 oz
1/4 cup = 60ml = 2.1 oz
1/8 cup = 30ml = 1 oz
Other (roughly rounded) amounts:
2 oz = 60ml = 3 tbsp = 1/4 cup
4 oz = 120ml = 1/2 cup = 6 tbsp
6 oz = 175ml = 3/4 cup
8 oz = 235ml = 1 cup less 1 tbsp
10 oz = 300ml = 1 cup plus 2 tbsp
12 oz = 350ml = 1 & 1/2 cups less 1 tbsp
14 oz = 415 ml = 1 & 3/4 cups less 2 tsp
16 oz = 475 ml = 1 & 7/8 cups
18 oz = 530 ml = 2 & 1/8 cups
20 oz = 590ml = 2 & 3/8 cups
Oven temps- We use ºCelsius for temperature 
100ºC = 212ºF
110ºC = 230ºF
120ºC = 248ºF 
130ºC = 266ºF 
140ºC = 284ºF
150ºC = 302ºF Slow
160ºC = 320ºF
170ºC = 338ºF
180ºC = 356ºF Moderate
190ºC = 374ºF 
200ºC = 392º,
Handy tip- you need 3 tsp of powdered gelatine to set 500ml of liquid ,

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