Monday 2 January 2017

Hostess Code For January "Y9UK2SWR"

Hello all,
If you would like to be part of a draw and maybe win a prize for January, use this Hostess code when you make your purchase on-line from my 24/7 shopping page at Stampin' Up!.

At the end of the month anyone who makes a purchase over $50 will go into the draw.


Rules of Hostess Code Prize Draw:

1. Must purchase $50 or over to go into the draw

2. Must tick "let demonstrator know" when making order so that I am informed of your purchase. This only gives me the purchases you make and your email address.

I require access to your order and have a contact so that if you have any issues in the first month I can liaise with Stampin' Up! and resolve the issue.
If I cannot access your order number, what you have ordered and you have, as an example, "a major issue with a big shot" and you have had it for a few months Stampin' Up! support may be reluctant to assist you directly and ask you to contact your demonstrator. I need certain criteria to be able to get the item returned "free of charge" and have it fixed or replaced. I have all the necessary paperwork to support the return etc of faulty items and if I have the correct codes etc it is a very easy process.

This is my role as your Stampin' Up! demonstrator and I take it very seriously and want to help as much as possible. I have said this many times and it is still very relevant today, I want to support you only as much as you wish to be supported. I am not pushy as I myself dislike it when people constantly push their products etc onto me, it is hard enough to get customers without hounding them and driving them away. Our Stampin' Up! products sell themselves, I just offer a means to obtain quality coordinated craft items for your creations.

The other side of my demonstrator business is me offering to pass on my abilities and creativity by offering to run a workshop or offering a class that interests you and possibly your family and friends. I use this blog site as my way of informing you of what is current in the stampin' Up! world, posting my creations and any video's or techniques that I think may interest you and aid in your creativity. if all you do is regularly look at my blog I am happy to be of assistance, but if you want to expand your creativity I will be there to support you.

I am going to set up a calendar of regular classes each month, these will be available here and on my website and face-book page to ensure every interested party will know what is on for the month. This will also include availability for workshops and scrapbook classes. So I think this will cover all you crafty people out there who want to be creative with me and learn from me and in turn, I can learn from you as well.

Thank you for taking the time read this,

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