Saturday 14 January 2017

Congrats Leanne and welcome Pam

No automatic alt text available.A belated congrats to my down-line Leanne for recruiting Pam during Sale A Bration (SAB) time. Pam was to join back in November but we advised her that the best time to join was during SAB as you receive the most amazing amount of extras for your starter kit.  Pam waited and not only did she get TWO stamps to the value of $79 (max) she got a SAB free product for every $90 she spent. What a way to start 2017 hey.

Now Pam may not wish to be anything more than a hobbist and just have great products and a 20% discount on all her purchases, or she may wish to be an active demonstrator and enjoy sharing her love of craft with others.  Pam lives in Charters Towers so all the crafty people there will benefit from having a Stampin' Up! demonstrator in their town. Even as a hobbist Pam can still sell Stampin' Up! products to her customers to assist with her quarterly requirements of $300 in purchases to stay a demonstrator and all the benefits.
Image may contain: flower, plant and nature

So welcome Pam to our lovely crafty family and to my team.

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