Saturday 15 July 2017

Update of my lack of blogging and how my team has grown

Hi all, sorry I have been very remiss in my blogging this past week or so. Unfortunately we have had to be very very busy with repairing a rental that was rented for 8 years straight and the tenants let the place go over the last year or so.  But after a lot of work and elbow grease we are almost ready to rent it out again. It looks like a new home inside an old shell, well still older bathroom and kitchen but all clean and repainted etc.

My trust in people has been gone downhill as these tenants let us down and then the bond cleaner was a nightmare as well. She lied to my face a number of times about what she had cleaned and when she would turn up etc so made life very difficult. Today I go  back to clean builtin's that she states she has cleaned already.  Hmmm maybe I am just too clean hey as my standards are soo different to a BOND CLEANER.

Then when we hand over to the real estate on Wednesday I will be taking my hard working Hubby off on a weeks holiday. Bit different to the holiday we had planned (the month of July off  with the caravan to Darwin and district).

Unfortunately when this sort of thing occurs something has to sit on the back burner, this has had to be my Stampin' UP! business and my posting on this blog and face book etc. I have tried to maintain my commitment to u guys but sadly just too tired when we get home each day from the house.

As well my commitment to my in-laws as their carer cannot be put in the back burner no matter what else I have to do and this has also taken up some of my time. Thankfully my Father in Law is out of hospital and reasonable well at the moment. I still have to do his dressings on the weekends and maintain daily contact re medications etc, but it is easier when all is going along smoothly.

So please bear with me and know I am conscious of my business and when I can I am still learning as I follow other demonstrators on FB and you tube to maintain up to date on SU events and new techniques etc.

My team has grown by 2 this month, Pam the Charters Towers link has signed 2 wonderful ladies up this month. They took up the very special time to join SU as new demonstrators are offered extra incentives this month to join. Very similar to Sale A Bration in January each year when SU offer extra if you join during that time.  
BEST time every to join when freebies are offered.
Join my team:          
Remember this month for every $90 you spend you get  $9 free to spend in August.

Thanks guys,
Happy crafting.

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