Monday 3 July 2017

Update of classes

No automatic alt text available.ahh if only I could do some now. Last week was very busy with my Father in Law in and out of hospital due to chest pain and surgery. Now I am the nurse again doing dressings, and the mental health nurse keeping his mind active and supporting my Mother in Law. She does a wonderful job but is 83 so needs lots of support and mostly it's down to me as I do not work full time. However it does impact on my ability to do classes etc as every time i get set to sort classes out and make and takes I have to divert to assist them. But I do this willingly and with love and patience (hmm hard to be that at times) but you guys suffer due to this.

We will get there I hope but I can fit classes in if you message me and let me know, that is the easiest way at the moment due to workload. If I post classes then I need to be available at the time and do the work required to get ready for the class even if no one turns up. By actually seeking a private class that at this time will be the best way for me.

We were meant to be on holidays in July but our rental became vacant and we have a huge job getting it ready for rental again. Put trust in a family who have let me down sadly, but with lots of effort and hard work we will have it spruced up and ready to rent in 2 weeks. Then we may just be lucky to have a short break, my poor hubby had so been looking forward to this holiday as it is a year since his last break. I get to go and babysit which whilst this is not a holiday for me it is time away and spent with my grandchildren who I adore. However me being me, I leave their homes clean as a pin and all the washing, ironing etc up to date and their freezers full of meals, cakes and biscuits. Ahh the love of a Nana.

I have managed to make a beautiful 40th birthday card that is a order I received last markets. Speaking of the market, Renegades Handmade Market is on this weekend but sadly I won't be there, apart from being too busy I will be far too sore to do this market.

So contact me if you would like to make a special card for you or someone special or just to learn the rudiments of card making or scrapbooking. I would love to support your creative nature.
0400031235   47791342.

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