Sunday 24 May 2020

Yvonne’s Craft Room - Tips & Techniques: Tear & Tape

Thank you Yvonne for sharing this video with an excellent tip, this eliminates the need to go back and burnish (seal down) the tape and cuts it neatly at the end. We need to do this to make our projects professional looking and made to last. Here in the sub tropics a lot of tape runners do not work as they very quickly peel off. This was proved to me a few Christmases ago when a fellow crafter who did not like spending money on quality products gave me a Christmas card and it fell to bits whist hanging up over Christmas. None of my crafting regulars or customers who belive me when i say it's important to use the right glue/tape in your area. Stampin' Up! has address this also in their new catalogue that is going live 3 June 2020 and has new much stronger tape runners which may or may not suit our area. I will keep you posted. I love our Tombow glue but do hate sticky fingers so I tend to use this tear and tape a lot as it is very strong. Just try pulling it apart when you make a boo boo. I do have supplies of adhesives in my home to sell as adhesives are one of the items we are allowed to sell ourselves with SU's blessing.

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