Saturday 5 October 2019

"Groan" caught the flu and pictures of a great week with Grand kids.

Hi everyone, just a personal update for the school holidays and next few weeks.

Took my 3 grandsons "glamping" in our caravan at Woodlands caravan park for the first week of the school holidays. they had a ball, it is a fantastic place for kids with the slides, pool and water park. It is also pet friendly so Frankie came with us.

However,I think that between Corbin who got sick in the last 2 days and Greg who was sick with the "man flu" the whole time I was away someone shared the dreaded flu with me.  It is over 16+ years since my last flu so I am not complaining but I am a terrible patient, I hate being sick with sore throats and coughs.

So alas no crafting has been done for a little while.  Lots of you tube watching, keeping abreast with what other demonstrators are doing and learning from them new tricks and ideas. Waiting for my "new trimmer" to arrive with the Christmas Time is Here bundle and designer series paper that I ordered 2 step stamping is fun and the roses look soo authentic that I believe I will enjoy this new set. Sadly it is only on offer in November but as with previous sets that have for a "1 month special" they are soo good that I cannot resist buying them and use them still even though I cannot teach with them once they are retired.  Sad but true.

Looking forward to felling better and YES!!! cleaning my craft room AGAIN and creating.
Some pictures from our fantastic week.

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