Friday 2 February 2018

My granddaughter and I having fun and a announcement on OPEN DAY

Hi all, well it's been a very busy period for me, I have gone back to work casual at JCU and had the family for a visit. I went to my first craft day for the year on Thursday and whilst I didn't do craft I drank coffee and enjoyed the company and got my mojo back. I was in my craft room starting when the eldest of my cats decided the litter box wasn't to her liking and promptly wet on the laundry floor. So I have had to clean that up and go buy more kitty litter so her nose is not offended and she will wee in the right place. grrr, of course, I had to buy more groceries than i went for and now need to recover from shopping in the heat and all. But I will shortly be posting an OPEN DAY at my house for a look at the Occasions and Sale A Bration products and my creations with them. Everyone who attends gets a FREE catalogues (all current ones) and there will be prizes and maybe games this year. All I ask is to bring a plate (even a simple pack of biscuits is great). We also get to play with some of my products on the day and learn new techniques. It will be the last Thursday in February and repeated on the Saturday for those who work weekdays. So put that in ur diary and give me an email to let me know your interest as I need numbers, please. 47791342/0400031235

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