Sunday 25 February 2018

Personal update.

Hi guys, well my 6-week stint of casual work at JCU is over and I had planned to jump in and start getting ready for Open House for Sale A Bration and Occasions Catalogues. However, life sends us changes to send us in a spin and rethink our plans.

My Father in Law went into the hospital yesterday after 3 falls and a bad week last week, this morning we have had the sad news that he has brain cancer and there is nothing that can be done for him and he is to go into palliative care for his last days.  My Mother in Law will need my support during this time so my SU life will be put on hold until further notice and we recover from this sad time.

However, I hope it is quick for his sake as he told me last week he is too old and has had enough of living, he is 86 and has only kept going for his 83 yr old wife and his family. The nurse in me wants it to be quick but the daughter in law me doesn't want him to go and am very emotional as I write this.

So guys please bear with me at this sad time.

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