Wednesday 29 March 2017

Post Cyclone Debbie

Wow oh wow, what a busy few days we have had. Cyclone Debbie kept me very busy as we had my In-Laws over at our place as they are in a flood prone area. They are both in their eighties and my father-in-law needs a walker and careful watching, they also brought their dog with them and stayed for 2 nights.

Whilst I couldn't do any craft, I was able to give my Mother-in-Law a lovely rest for a couple of days as she had nothing to do. She left looking well rested and well fed, they enjoyed bacon, eggs and hash browns for breaky which they never get and freshly cooked meals. (I cook most of their meals and deliver them to their freezer each week or so). Both have health issues and I like to ensure they have healthy meals that meet these needs. '

Today was undoing all the work we did to safeguard our home in case Debbie came to Townsville as they thought she might. It is amazing what u can shift on a blanket, large cane chairs etc (have bad back so no lifting), so hubby came home to nearly all the work done. Greg put all the furniture inside by himself and it made me fell so guilty but bad bad day with pain when he had to bring it all in.

Now I am back into craft as of tomorrow, off to my usual craft day with my group. I am going to make boxes so watch this space for posts to come.

Thinking of all those affected by Debbie and glad cost to life was minimal. Things can be replace but people cannot.

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