Thursday 23 March 2017

A happy saying and a timely message re cyclones

No automatic alt text available.Hi guys, as someone who has been through a number of cyclones, please be aware it doesn't have to be a direct hit over Townsville to impact us. Panic buying will deplete essential stock and it can take a while for stores to replenish.
This can be impacted by road closures etc.
My advice is as follows:
Get prescriptions filled
fill your car
fill your generator if have one    
batteries for radio and torch
Candles useless when windy and dangerous but good for post-cyclone
fill bottles with water and put in freezer now to keep food cold' (power is often out for a week or more).

If we are in for a direct hit:

fill as many containers as possible as u may need water to flush toilets etc as well as drinking water
Have bbcue inside if we are to be hit.
Have plenty of pet food if u have pets
We eat out of the freezer in these times so spoilage is kept to minimum

Nappies and baby essentials (stock UP) expecially milk

Have long life milk    (small containers so you don't have to keep cold)

Clean UP your YARD

I have seen a piece of wood 6 foot lonf and 2 inches wide fly right beside me and somehow totally miss my car from a puff of strong wind the day before the cyclone hit.

Prevention is the best way for us to be safe.
Be prepared for the worst and hope for the best.
Stay safe guys and help others to do the same.

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