Sunday 22 November 2020

Would you like a even BIGGER DISCOUNT ON PRODUCTS ON SALE IN THE ANNUAL catalogue?????

 Would you like a even BIGGER DISCOUNT ON PRODUCTS ON SALE IN THE ANNUAL catalogue?????

well come on and Join my team and get a bigger discount Join My Team That is right if you choose to join my team you will get a bigger discount and FREE shipping. It is no string attach when joining my team. You get to choose $225 of products of YOUR choice, yes you can choose the product that is on sales or product at regular price from both annual catalogue or Holiday catalogue. You will pay $169 and it will ship to you for FREE. Love to have you onboard even if all you do is be a hobby demonstrator and get your 20% off your products and the ability to shop before all the customers can. Free Catalogues for all occasions I per demonstrator and you get all the freebies to yourself. Or be like me and have a business and teach classes and sell to customers and enjoy meeting new people and making new friends. It is entirely up to you, either way you receive my full support as your upline. Contact me for assistance or more information. Love to become friends and be part of my little group of dedicated crafters. 0400031235

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