Tuesday 10 March 2020

Sad to say SAB ends 31st March so an Update for you and some very important information as well.

Hi all, just an update to firstly say hello in these trying times and secondly to remind you that Sale A Bration ends on the 31st March so if you are looking at purchasing anything from my 24/7 store and want to get the FREE items you will need to do so very soon. Some items are already sold out as it is only whilst stock lasts so we do have to act soon. Me too as I want he need designer series
paper. watch this video below to see what I am taking about.

Pass on this important information too, as you may know I am a nurse and though not working now I still interact with my past colleagues and one of them sent me an important bit of news. PLEASE INFORM ALL THAT THE CRONO VIRUS ATTACKS DRY MOUTHS - DRINK SMALL AMOUNTS OF WATER EVERY 15 MINUTES TO ENSURE YOU KEEP YOUR MOUTH MOIST. PLEASE PASS THIS ON TO ALL ESPECIALLY THE ELDERLY.

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