Monday 23 December 2019

Merry Christmas to all my wonderful customers and followers

Image may contain: textWell another year is about to end for us all and a new one start. What the new year has in store for us all is up to us to make happen. I hope more crafting time is in it for me, less pain would be great but that is probably not a wish that will come true. However, we have been blessed with a new Granddaughter just in time for Christmas and that is enough blessings for a whole year and more. Life is soo busy these days with all I do for others (family) that craft does tend to take a back seat, but I plan to try and do better and be more accessible to my customers and give my business a chance to grow. I can only try hey.

Well Sale a Bration and Occasion Cattie is coming on January the 4th so look out for the best time of the Stampin' Up! year (in my opinion) as we all get freebies and yes we ALL LOVE FREEBIES don't we.   And i reckon we have a great catalogues this year, SU is really moving with the times in the crafting world. 
links to catalogues below for u to have a look at.
So from me and mine to you and yours, may your Christmas be merry and happy and May 2020 be=ring you good health, happiness and many many crafting days.

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