Thursday 22 August 2019

Open House night version was a blast and enjoyed by all

Tonight was my first night time "open House" to showcase our Stampin' Up! Annual and Christmas Catalogues.Whilst numbers were not high it was a very successful night. Friendship, chatter over a glass of wine and chicken sandwiches whilst at he same time learning a new fun fold technique card. The fold was new to me so we learnt together and after a few hick up's (LOL) we managed to follow the instructions correctly and turn out a spectacular new Fun Fold Card. Pictures to follow after tomorrow's "open House". A special mention to Jenny for your assistance when I couldn't follow instruction (nothing to do with the effects of wine!!!!!).
Great night and great company, and Jenny loved her door prize (1 Box of Press and Seal) and will be soon making her own floating cards and probably setting me challenges to keep improving mine. Press and Seal is like GOLD up here in the North as we do not have Costco, which to my knowledge is the only place u can buy it in Aussie. But recently I visited the Costco in Ipswich and brought 3 boxes back in my luggage. Roll on tomorrow and hopefully another successful Open House. They are a LOT of work to get ready for but it is great to be able to showcase our products first hand and see what can be made with them. And of course come and learn how at my classes. feeling happy and ready for sleep.

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