Wednesday 30 January 2019

Touching base with you all

Hi fellow crafters, just wanted to touch base and say firstly HI, and then give an explanation as to why I have not set up this year's classes as yet. Well as you know we are having a weather event that could turn out to be a 1 in a 100 yr event as well are drowning in rain and loving it I might add. However this is not the weather for "Paper Crafters" as our paper gets quite limp and not easy to work with and no matter what the quality of card-stock this is not the time to make cards I'm afraid.

Don't you know it, I returning from babysitting my beautiful Granddaughter in fine weather but then had my gorgeous 3 Grandson's for a week whilst their parents worked full time so again no crafting. Took the 3 darlings and my hubby away for the long weekend and again the wet weather interfered with my ability to craft and then we got washed out so returned home early.

Now, I have all the time in the world to craft and low and behold I cannot due to the wet weather, so I am photographing all my retired stock that I am prepared to part with and making a album to put firstly on local sites only then and only then after the locals have had their fill and brought what they want I will put it on the Australian retired Stampin' Up! stock  for SALE site.

The weather event will also delay my "Open House" showcasing the latest catalogues, Occasions and Sale A Bration's for 2019.  I will have it but not till I can make cards etc to showcase our lovely new products. Date to be announced asap.

Take care in this wet wet wet but much needed rainy conditions and stay safe my friends and family.


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