Thursday 11 October 2018

France Martin has kindly shared this video which shows us how to take our cards to the WoW stage.

How to emboss your envelopes

France Martin has kindly shared this video which shows us how to take our cards to the WoW stage.

I have a very bad right shoulder which has stopped me crafting for some time but not from the want to craft. Off for a ultrasound on Monday to see if the damage is just bursitis or more rota cuff involvement. Very very painful whatever it is and keeps me awake at night as well as drives me mad in the day. grrrrrr.

I am also deep in marking university papers at this moment so that is also keeping me out of the craft room.

But I am still here for all that need me and am happy to help as I can. I was fortunate to welcome a new team member (Silky) recently and am assisting her to get her Stampin' Up! business going.

Enjoy the video and learning new techniques.

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