Saturday 14 July 2018

More detailed information on joining my team

Ok guys, interest has been coming thick and fast for the "Best Ever Time to Join Stampin' Up! and my team" so I thought I'd tell you a but more about what happens if you become a demonstrator.

1. $169 to join (need a credit/debit card and a account to receive payments from SU into).
For your $169 you receive $235 worth of products and another $80 (free) of business materials.
IN JULY ONLY - you also get to pick from a family colour and get 10 FREE stamp pads in that family ie: brights or regals etc. Postage is free on your "kit" and you receive 8 catalogues to start you off.

2. Once you become a demonstrator you are committed to either purchasing/selling products to the value of $400 before postage and handling every quarter. (the first quarter as a new demo doesn't start till December). You earn 20% on all sales even when you are your best customer.

3. You may only be a hobbyist and buy yourself, it is very easy to make your $400 commitment in 3 months as we have new products coming out regularly with 3 big promotions a year and special offers on other occasions.
4. You may make it your business (you can earn up to $75,000 before you have to declare earning and do Bass and GST stuff) and have workshops and classes as I do. Classes are fully your income so you can charge what you like and you provide all the materials for each person.
Workshops are FREE for the customers, you provide all materials but you get 20% from all the sales made on the day.

5. Once you are a demo you will get 20% off all sales.
You get to pre-order when new catalogues are coming our, we pre- order 1 month before cattie goes live.
You can join the demo only planning face-book page (this is a fantastic site) and learn from caring and sharing experienced demos all around the world.
You have full support from me, Stampin' Up! support (Australia) and Stampin' Up! business support videos and IT team.

6. You may chose to sign up the Demonstrator Business Web Site (DBWS) for $19.95 a month (first 2 months free for new demo's). This allows you to order online (so easy) and for your customers to order direct via your online shopping page. I have this site and it is the best thing I have every done, I get to download catties as soon as SU posts them without waiting for a hard copy - I get to see my reports when I need to and I can access all my and my customers purchases (this is important if you need to get a replacement or return a item if it is faulty etc.

Lastly and most important, you can make this journey what ever you want it to be. I have been a demonstrator for 41/2 years and i have slowly built my business at snail pace (due to health issues and the fact I am a Nana so not in social circles such as school Mum's etc) I don't have loads of contacts so I have worked hard to put myself out there via markets and getting family and friends involved. But I am comfortable with this as I have taken this time to learn my craft and become an expert in card making, learning how the Stampin' Up! family works and navigating the web site.I have watched other go great guns with their business during this time but each and everyone's journey is unique and suits that persons ability.

I am and will always be here for my team members and offer my assistance no matter when in Australia they reside. I can have team members all over Australia as in this technological world we live in it is just a email or face-book message away from help.

I hope this helps with your decision to join or not.
You can just join via my website or contact me and we can do it together. All you need is $169 via a credit/debit card and a bank account no and BSB (this is also where they direct debit you DWBS fee).
Join My Team via: highlight and click on link below.

ph: 0400031235/0747791342

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