Thursday 12 July 2018

A sad goodbye to my beautiful little Ewok (Ewokey (Wokey) (Woo Woo)

ir to put her through an opp and the chances of surviving was small. So I made the hard decision to say goodbye to our beautiful girl and allow her the dignity of going to heaven in a peaceful way, She will now be with her best mate Chloe and my Mum who also loved her to bits. I was fortunate enough to have 2 hrs of beautiful cuddles last night after she got wet going for a wee, she was losing sight in the one eye she had left after having the other removed over a year ago, and going deaf so I don't think she knew the sprinklers were on. She even fell asleep in my arms which is a first (except when travelling in the car). My little girl had the last laugh as when we were going to the vet she went for her favourite walk down the street to let other dogs knew she is top dog in the street and then returned to the gate to be let in (however Mum drove down the road to collect her as we were late to the vet) Ratbag made me walk back and get her and carry her back to the car. You are missed my darling but will never be forgotten.

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