Thursday 16 November 2017

Link closed now for reserving Stamparatus (very very very popular)

Apologizes for those who tried my link to reserve the new Stamparatus as it didn't work. Hmm not good and I was so busy I forgot to check the link like I now try and do before posting. Aw well folks I missed out on reserving mine today as due to carer commitments for my in - laws it was after 12 when I got onto my computer and the link was closed as they have all the orders filled for this round. Mental note to self - be there at 8am when the link opens on the 6th December.
new link dates posted here. However will remind u closer to the time (hopefully the day before). I still have my in-laws staying with me and the hectic rounds of Dr appointments, home visits by nurses and hygiene etc keep me soo soo busy that I have had to miss my craft group this week, give up the Mega Market at Calvary School Mt Louisa (25/26/11) and I have not even opened my craft room door since Saturday.
But they are worth it and my time will be my own again soon.

Next link date to reserve is 6th Dec with a aprox date of 19 March 2018 for delivery.

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