Saturday 4 November 2017

Classes update.

Well I am a nurse again, my Mother in Law had post op complications and had a 3 day stint in hospital which meant her husband had to return to respite for 10 days. She requires her wound packed and dressed every day and she is staying with us so she behaves herself. Had to put her affected side arm in a sling as she is not totally doing what she is supposed to, this will remind her that she is not to use that arm to do things with it.So had to cancel the Christmas in July Market at Holy Spirit today, that is a bit sad as was looking forward to showcasing my talent to others in the community. But family and there needs always comes first in my book. Am doing a little bit of craft this week but not what I had planed to do. We will get there, the best news is she has no more cancer and we have an excellent prognosis. So I will post classes asap guys and thanks for your patience once again.

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