Monday 28 August 2017

The wonderful thing about Stampin' Up!® is that you can make it a business that fits with you, your lifestyle and family

This came up on my face book page today and it really is a eye opener to me as i do compare and sadly feel lacking and I shouldn't and nor should you.

Do you find yourself comparing with others that you see as successful and think you need to do the same to have success too?
The wonderful thing about Stampin' Up!® is that you can make it a business that fits with you, your lifestyle and family. Don't to things to please others - do it because you have a passion and joy when you do. Whether you run your business online, face to face or both. Whether you do workshops or classes... you pick what gives you the most joy and you WILL see results

Image may contain: textthanks to Kylie B for sharing.

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