Thursday 6 April 2017

Precision Plate and warping of your cutting plates

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a lady posted this on Facebook today and I thought it good to share her comment and my reply.No automatic alt text available.No automatic alt text available.Using precision plate with magnetic matter how the plate is sandwiched it ends up so warped I have to trash it! Waste of money and time to fiddle with it.....My Preferred sandwich with magnetic platform, but doesn't always cut intricate dies well....what's the solution?

my reply:
 guys, the precision plate is only meant for the most intricate dies or it will warp your plates for sure. If you have warped plates ensure u leave them rolled under the rollers when not using them and this helps to keep them flat. The precision plate was brought out when Stampin' Up! introduced their range of intricate dies and it works brilliantly for them as we do not have to spend ages getting out all of the small bits with a pokey tool. I also use the big shot brush as well that SU sell to aid in removing the little bits. I know its a pain to get the precision plate out for just intricate dies but it is worth it and ur plates will not warp if u use it as intended. I know cause I learn the hard way.

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