Saturday 31 December 2016

New Product - Watercolour Pencils

One of the items I am most excited about in the new Spring/Summer Catalogue are the new Watercolour Pencils available from Wednesday 4th January. I've not been too well for the last few days so a bit of gentle colouring has been perfect to keep my creativity going whilst trying to get better. 
Thanks Julie for the above post, this is what I SHOULD have been doing when also not well but carer duties and cooking a drop dead beautiful Tiramisu cake for our neighbours New Years Eve Party. Today planned to hit craft room when Hubby went to work for a few hours (on call) but noo he wanted me to go with him as he will be by himself soon when i am off babysitting again. But when I return I will be having a "Meet and Greet" open house for the Occasionsand Sale A Bration Catalogue at my home. Date to be announced shortly. So as they say "Watch this Space". Door prize and light refreshments will be provided.

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