Monday 5 October 2020

Christmas card making class starting Wednesday 14th October 2020 rsvp required please.


Christmas card making class

When:     Wednesday     14th   - 21st - 28th October 2020

Time:       10am – 12 md

Where:   9 new England court Douglas

Rsvp:       by Monday 12th – 19th  - 26th October   “would love your company”

Ph  -  0400031235   (please leave a message if no answer and I will get back to you).   ALTERNATELY – 47791342  (LEAVE MESSAGE PLEASE AS I DO NOT ANSWER THIS PHONE DUE TO EXESSIVE CRANK CALLS).


Cost:   $25 per person or $20 per person for pensioners.

             Payable in advance via direct debit to

             Raye Millican

             BSB:                    064–817                    commonwealth bank

             Account no:    1049 8704

Or cash on the day by arrangement with me.

What will we make together?

3 cards with their envelopes that will wow you.

We will make 1 as a casual stamper (beginner)

                             1 as an avid stamper (stepping it up)

                              Last one we will make a fancy fold to improve your crafting skills with my guidance.

Light refreshments provided.

My social media pages:

Shop with ease from my 24/7 online Stampin’ Up! store

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