Thursday 16 July 2020

lucky Labels Pick a Punch and template idea

Hi, I haven't been posting here for a while because my numbers have dropped and I do not seem to get responses to anything i post. This is not the same on my face book page as that is working really well with lots of interest in what I post. But I had a think and really I should continue with this just in case someone (even 1 person) doesn't do face book and I do nt want them to miss out.
So I am back.

Thanks to the wonderful Inge for sharing this great idea to assist us when using this punch. I believe it will make our crafting with this punch easier so am sharing it with you all. Do you have this punch? If so let me know if you think it is a helpful idea please.  If not you need it in your crafting arsenal, what Inge doesn't show is that you can make your labels as short or as long as you like which makes it very versatile.


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