Wednesday 26 June 2019

Update re personal issues and when I will be active again.

Ok, I have been quiet of late due to a number of things, firstly I had surgery on my back so was out of action for a few weeks, then we went on a months holiday which my husband needed soo bad and was very enjoyable. Unfortunately no time for crafting as we moved around inland Qld far too often for me to get set up and craft. Next my son had to have surgery (cricket injury)  and that resulted in a Deep Vein Thrombosis and a clot that travelled to his right lung and caused a Pulmonary  Embolism and killed off 1/4 of his lung. So the day after we returned from the holiday I flew to Ipswich to be with him and help the family out. 

Today I return home to normality, well as much normality as I can have, I will be receiving my new puppy "Frankie" (a female Shizu x Maltese 8 weeks old) on Saturday and at the same time will have 3 grandsons for school holidays so busy times ahead for me. But even so I intend to get my cards etc done and have a Open House to showcase the new 2019-20 catalogue and start regular classes as well.  I have no times/dates as yet but I will update as soon as I have them.

I know I have been lax in the past getting regular classes posted but this is a new start for me as I have my mojo back and am keen to be there for all crafters whether they be new or experienced and will be catering for both in my classes. I am also going to focus on scrap-booking classes as well, these classes have not been offered before by me on a regular basis so watch this space for dates and times for those.

Hope this explains my absence and you are prepared to move on with me into our new crafting experience and together we can can create stunning cards and scrapbook pages that will WOW our friends and family.

Look forward to crafting with you all soon,

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