Sunday 5 August 2018

Absence explained

Hi all, well its been a busy time lately, started work teaching casually at JCU for the 2nd semester and then we went on a holiday to My Buller to celebrate me Turning 60.
We went as a family to enjoy the snow and lots of memorial family times, not quite everyone could make it but we had fun for those who couldn't. I learnt that if you go to the snow the merino wool thermals and socks are a MUST, as well as a good coat and hire snow boots and you will be warm and toasty. I recommend a good scarf to cover ur face too as the wind and snow is really really cold, it was minus 4 but feels like -8 when we were there for a day. Brrr

We had my 4 beautiful grandchildren there and they stated it was the very best holiday they had ever had and want to go again, they loved the snow and the local Vinnies had the necessary snow pants for the 3 boys who got wet and cold on the first day without them. Well spent $30 for 3 second hand pairs of pants, their Mum could enjoy the snow instead of panicking over them getting cold and wet.
Here are a few pics of our trip.

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