Tuesday 6 March 2018

Personal Update

Sadly my Father in Law Jack passed away last night. I say sadly but he was 86 yrs old and had lived a good life but ill health has taken his enjoyment of life away in the past year or so, so he was ready to go and be with family and friends in the next life. The Nursing staff and the Doctor's at Palliative Care at the TTH were wonderful to him and our family and friends,  they deserve a medal for what they do. But instead, I will make them a lovely thank you card to go with the chocolates we have for each shift.

I will personally miss Jack as we were good sparring partners (verbally) as he loved to give check and called me his bossy Daughter in Law. As his Aged Care carer, I made all the hard decisions and kept things running smoothly, but not always to Jack's liking. Ahh, I will miss his cheeky smile. Now I will continue to care for my Mother in Law (Gloria) and ensure she remains well and cared for.

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