Monday 22 May 2017

Cancellation of Open House

Image may contain: textHi guys, unfortunately, my carer duties have taken over at the moment due to my Father-In-Law being in the hospital so I am unable to have my Open House this week. I have rescheduled for the 15/6/17 at this stage but will post closer to the date. My Father-In-Law suffers from a heart condition which is deteriorating so we are keeping close tabs on him, as well he is to go under the knife to have skin cancers removed on Wednesday. Today I sat at the hospital for 3 hrs waiting for a meeting with his treating team and eventually had to go as hadn't eaten and they could have been a few more hours. I also had to collect my car as it went in for a service today.  Ho hum and to boot my hubby turns 60 tomorrow and came home early to see the prawns etc I had brought him so we had them tonight. YUM
So please bear with me and come to my open house and see all the new products that I have purchased from the brand new 2017-18 catalogue. It is probably better to have it then as I will be able to purchase more items from the cattie as of the 1st of June. As a demonstrator, I was able to make a restricted purchase so do have some items but as I say will have a lot more on the 15th. I will also post more dates as well to cover all working customers.

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